After the intervention of the MLA, the college principal came into controversies with the statement, NSUI staged a sit -in at the college gate, the stir ..!

The presence of BJP Mandal President Sagar Shivhare and the statement of the principal created a ruckus, not DVR seized ..?


After the statement of Dr. Ramkumar Chowkse, Principal of Prime Minister College of Excellence Government Narmada College, NSUI organization led by Congress militant youth leader Rohan Jain protesting at the college gate on Saturday afternoon and lodging objections on the statement of the principal, raising fierce slogans of. During this time, the effigy burning of the principal was also announced, but later the effigy burning was postponed for the conversation.

Police force was also present during this period. It may be aware that on January 27, there was an incident of assault with NSUI state secretary Afrid Khan at the college campus. After which NSUI and ABVP student organizations came face to face and both organizations are accusing each other of assault. The case is currently pending in police investigation. The same police has issued notice to the college principal to give CCTV footage. Because the entire incident is captured in CCTV due to the college campus. The reality of the entire incident will be revealed only by CCTV footage. This is the reason that the police is constantly demanding CCTV footage. Because in the incident, the matter has been hot due to the name of Kritik Shivhare, brother of BJP Mandal President Sagar Shivhare.

On the other hand, on Friday, MLA Dr. Sitasaran Sharma reached the college on the information of the students’s dispute and he discussed the matter by discussing with both sides, although NSUI has objected to the presence of Mandal President Sagar Shivhare during the discussion. At the same time, the principal also expressed resentment by registering objection to the media’s statement. On Saturday afternoon, student leaders, including NSUI, sat at the college gate, lodging their protest over the entire incident. After this, the principal discussed with young leader Rohan Jain. Then the young leader Rohan Jain said that the student is sitting on the ground, so how is you hesitant to sit? Sit down, don’t worry about clothes and then the principal also sat down. After that he cited him trouble in sitting, then the young leader said that the chair should sit down, but the matter will be completely clear.

The NSUI started listening to his point, he lodged an objection to the statement of the principal that we neither met you nor the MLA, then how is the matter like explaining? Why is the divisional president whose brother is involved in the assault, why is it taking care of? And spoke of favoritism. It may be aware that youth leader Rohan Jain and NSUI State Secretary Afrid Khan are the activists who took the flag of Congress candidate Girjashankar Sharma in the assembly elections and did one day and night in the election campaign. At present, there is a ruckus about the DVR of CCTV footage in the incident of assault in the college, if CCTV footage comes out, the whole incident will be clear. Regarding the same case, SDOP Parag Saini said that the police has issued a notice to the college principal for providing CCTV footage and DVR. He has replied that he is a gazetted officer and cannot come to the police station again and again. He has cited not having a technician for CCTV footage.

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