WhatsApp launched tagging feature in status

New Delhi

Whatsapp with over 3 billion users worldwide is one of the leading instant messaging apps. It is constantly working on improving the experience of users by improving its features. The status feature of Whatsapp has become a popular way for users to share their everyday updates, achievements and personal feelings with their contacts. However, many times it happens that the person you want to show the status cannot see him before he disappears in 24 hours. Now, whatsapp has solved this problem.

Whatsapp Status: New Tagging feature
Whatsapp has allowed users to tag the contacts in their status updates to ensure that your status reaches your desired person. This feature resembles tagging on Facebook, but it only works with the people present in your contact list.

What does this feature do?
When you mention someone in your status, they get a special notification, ensuring that they do not miss the tagged status.

How is this feature helpful for users?
Whether you are sharing personal moments or wanting to send a message to a particular person, this feature will ensure that your status is not ignored.

Never miss Whatsapp status updates
Earlier whatsapp status used to miss easily, as they disappeared in 24 hours and the recipient did not get any information about it. Now, the tagging feature will completely eliminate this problem. This feature will help users like this:

Tagging someone in the status will get an alert immediately.
This will ensure that the updated status is seen on time, which will make it difficult to ignore it by mistake.
This feature is perfect for a individual message or sharing important updates for a particular person. This appreciation can be useful for posts, birthdays, wishes for anniversary or any other special message.

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