Monkey pox has reached close to India too, know how the dangerous virus spreads; what are the symptoms

Seeing the seriousness of monkeypox, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared an emergency regarding it. Cases of this virus are increasing rapidly all over the world. This infection, which started from Central and East Africa, has now reached close to India. Three cases of monkeypox have been found in Pakistan. According to the information, the first case has been found in a person who returned from Saudi Arabia. The 34-year-old man returned to Pakistan from Saudi Arabia on August 3. He was tested at Khyber Medical University. The report came positive on August 13.

What is monkeypox virus?

Let us tell you that most cases of monkeypox are being reported in Africa. It is an epidemic virus. It is a virus similar to smallpox and spreads from animals to humans. After reaching humans, it starts spreading rapidly. This virus was first identified in 1958. Most of its cases are found in Central and Western Asia. Here people also live closer to animals.

What are the symptoms of ampox?

When infected with ampox, fever occurs initially. Usually rashes start appearing all over the body. These rashes can also appear on the face and genitals. They can also take the form of white and yellow pimples which get filled with pus. These rashes cause itching and pain. Apart from this, fever, headache, muscle pain occur. However, this virus rarely causes death. Generally, it gets cured on its own.

How the infection ends

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), symptoms can appear up to 21 days after getting infected with the virus. It lasts for 14 to 21 days. After this, it gets cured on its own. There is a vaccine for this disease.

How the virus spreads

Monkeypox spreads by coming in contact with an infected person. Sexual relations and skin contact can increase the risk of infection. This virus can enter through the eyes, respiratory tract, nose and mouth. This infection can also spread through items touched by infected persons such as bed, towel etc. Apart from this, this virus can also spread by coming in contact with rats, squirrels and monkeys.

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