Pulse polio drive from today set to cover 36 lakh children in Madhya Pradesh

The sub-national pulse polio campaign will be kicked off in 16 districts across Madhya Pradesh today. The district health authorities are aiming to inoculate around 36 lakh children aged up to five under this drive.

A child being vaccinated for polio in India. (Shutterstock)

The districts were identified based on their susceptibility to the viral infection amid the presence of a large migratory population, Times of India reported.

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Along with the state’s health department, other departments will also chime in to carry out the drive. In Indore, around five lakh children will be inoculated at 3,500 booths set up across the district. District immunisation officer Dr Tarun Gupta said the drive will move to a door-to-door campaign in the next two days after Sunday.

Started in 1978, the country-wide anti-polio movement ensured India to become polio-free by 2014. The last reported cases of widespread polio in the country were in West Bengal and Gujarat in 2011.

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