The first insertion and swearing -in ceremony of the newly elected president, vice president and members of Raigad District Panchayat was held at the Municipal Corporation Auditorium, Panjari Plant. On this occasion, Finance Minister Shri O.P. Chaudhary was present as the chief guest.
While congratulating the newly elected public representatives, Finance Minister Shri Chaudhary said that it is necessary to work as a team to meet the trust that the public has expressed on you. He said that continuous efforts are being made to speed up development in Raigad district.
Referring to the achievements of the state government, Minister Shri Chaudhary said that under the leadership of Chief Minister Shri Vishnudev Sai, an amount of Rs 1 lakh crore has been transferred to farmers under various schemes in the last year and a half. Recently, 12 thousand crore rupees were given to farmers as the amount of paddy purchase difference, which has increased the rural economy. Under the Mahtari Vandan Yojana, 70 lakh mothers and sisters are being given assistance of Rs 1,000 per month. The government has approved 18 lakh new houses, giving priority to housing construction, whose construction work is in rapid progress.
Minister Shri Chaudhary said that the state government has provided the facility of philosophy of Ayodhya and Banaras through Shri Ramlala Darshan Yojana. Recently, the devotees of the state were benefited by establishing Chhattisgarh Pavilion in Prayagraj Kumbh.
New script of development in Raigad
Highlighting the development works of Raigad, Finance Minister Shri Chaudhary said that construction of Nalanda campus has started in the district at a cost of Rs 35 crore. The work of the beautification of Itwari market, oxygen and ideal market is in progress. The roads of the city are being given modern form. A budget of Rs 100 crore has been released for the construction of the canals of the Kelo project, along with an additional administrative approval of Rs 291 crore. Other development works include expansion of Sapnai Dam, construction of Gharghoda-Raigad and Kasdol-Raigad road, Physiotherapy College in Raigad, Nursing College, Arts and Music College, Horticulture College at Pusaur.
On this occasion, the newly elected District Panchayat President Mrs. Shikha Ravindra Gabel, Vice President Mr. Deepak Sidar and all the newly elected District Panchayat members took an oath to discharge their obligations under the Panchayati Raj Acts.
Raigad Lok Sabha MP Shri Radheshyam Rathia, Municipal Corporation Mayor Shri Jeevardhan Chauhan, District Panchayat Vice President Sarangarh Shri Ajay Nayak, Collector Mr. Kartikeya Goyal, Superintendent of Police Mr. Divyang Patel, Additional Collector Mr. Ravi Rahi and many dignitaries were present at this important ceremony.