Yuka Garbage in Pithampur: All three trial runs report will now be submitted in court on 27 March


Out of 337 tonnes of waste brought from Bhopal, thirty tonnes of waste has been settled. During this time, harmful gases did not come out, but the ash of garbage has not been landed. He is kept safe at the Ramki plant itself. The report of the three trial runs will now be submitted in the hearing of the Jabalpur High Court to be held on March 27. After three tons of waste, the consumer is currently closed.

After the court’s instructions, an action plan for the execution of the remaining waste will be prepared again. On the other hand, Pithampur Bachaan Samiti, who is opposing burning garbage, says that there should be a clinical trial of garbage. The pollution control board is not saying anything about the ash after burning the waste and the investigation of the water discharged from Bhasmak after disposal. It is also not being told about how to settle ash.

Henmat Kumar Hirole of the committee said that the committee will also present its side in the High Court. He alleged that the waste brought from Bhopal also has mercury, which is a deadly neurotoxin, but the report does not mention its volume. Pollution Control Board says that the gases released during the three trial runs have been monitored. The emission of gases has been found in accordance with fixed parameters. The instructions will be received after submitting the report in the court. Further waste will be disposed of on the basis of that. At present, garbage is not being burnt in consumer.

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