The female tiger has been released in the Madhav Tiger Reserve of Shivpuri district of Madhya Pradesh. She has been roaming in the forest ever since she is missing from the cage. Park sources have said that the female tiger roamed from brown kho to other places in the area of ​​15 km of the forest in the last 24 hours. Officials associated with park management say that this forest is new for the female tiger. She will first see the entire area and tested. The park management has named this new tigress MT-4. It has been brought from Panna Reserve.
Tigress is understanding the forest
Park officials say the area in which the female tiger was left. She is still wandering in the same area. Gradually she will make her permanent shelter after understanding the forest. According to officials, the tigress will make a shelter at a water shore area. It is being told that the female tiger was released into the forest of Madhav Tiger Reserve of Shivpuri. At first she stayed around the tower for some time. After this, he started moving from here to there in the forest. If sources are to be believed, the location of the female tiger was found near Bhura Kho on Tuesday morning.
Another tiger will come soon in Madhav Tiger Reserve
Park officials say that after female tiger, a male tiger is also to be released in the same selling club area. Talk is going on with Pench Tiger Reserve Management about this. As soon as he catchs the male tiger, he will soon be released near the Sailing Club in Madhav Tiger Reserve. Then the number of tigers in the park will increase from 6 to 7. After this, the number of tigers will increase over time.
Another tiger will come soon
Park officials say that after female tiger, a male tiger is also to be released in the same sailing club area. Talk is going on with Pench Tiger Reserve Management about this. As soon as he catchs the male tiger, he will soon be released near the Salling Club in Madhav Tiger Reserve. Then the number of tigers in the park will increase from 6 to 7. After this, the number of tigers will increase over time.