Zero tolerance policy declines in crimes against women and children in the state: Chief Minister Dr. Yadav
The right to education should be expanded till class 12th: Chief Minister Dr. Yadav
The role of the Protection Commission of Child Rights in preventing child crimes is most important: Chief Minister Dr. Yadav
Chief Minister’s Right to Education Act, Poxo Act and Juvenile Justice Act
Started state level awareness workshop
Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav has said that crimes against women and children have declined. This is clearly the result of the state government’s ‘zero tolerance’ policy. We are constantly strengthening our commitment to security, empowerment and justice, which has curbed crimes. The strictness of the government towards women and child crimes is clearly visible in previous years. A provision has been made for the culprits of serious crimes against women and children in the state. Decisions of death penalty in 48 cases have been given by the courts. The government and society should together awaken the atrocities with women and children. The role of Child Protection Commission is also important in this work. The government is determined to implement the suggestions of the Commission. Chief Minister Dr. Yadav said these things in a state level workshop organized by Madhya Pradesh Child Rights Protection Commission in Kushabhau Thackeray Auditorium on Monday.
In the workshop, officials of various departments from all the districts, members of the Child Welfare Committee and other members discussed important topics like Free and Compulsory Child Education Rights Act-2009, Poxo Act-2012 and Juvenile Justice Act-2015. Women and Child Development Minister Mrs. Nirmala Bhuria, Member Child Protection Commission Mrs. Megha Pawar and Dr. Nivedita Sharma, Dr. Nisha Saxena and other senior officials were present on the occasion.
Chief Minister Dr. Yadav said that under the guidance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the country is on the path of progress in the golden period. India’s fame is spreading in the world. In the world’s largest democratic country India, every person is constantly able to capable. India is able to deal with external enemies as well as effectively facing internal challenges. Referring to the episode of Ramayana, he said that children and teenagers have immense capacity and energy. That is why Maharishi Vishwamitra sought Lord Shri Ram and Lakshmana in childhood to destroy the Asuras. Prabhu Shriram destroyed the Asuras on the strength of his effort. The childhood of Lord Shri Ram and Lord Krishna inspires the society differently to walk on Sadmaraga.
You must reach the needy children who are not able to come to you: Subhuria
Women and Child Development Minister Sunirmala Bhuria said that the first condition of development of children is their protection and I am proud that the department and administration are vigilant for the protection of children under the leadership of Dr. Yadav. He congratulated the Madhya Pradesh Child Rights Protection Commission and said that the Commission organized this state level workshop focused on the protection, protection and proper development of children’s rights. The workshop is not only for the right to education of children, but also to make various acts made for the protection of children like Poxo Act and Juvenile Justice Act.
Minister Subhuria urged the Chairman/ members of the Child Welfare Commission and the Juvenile Justice Board that the responsibility given to them is very important and is to provide justice to the children. Such an opportunity of social service is not available again and again, so keep in mind that the protection of children should be ensured by full vigilance. Today, in which organization the orphan child will go or where his rehabilitation will be, you have rights and no one has it. So with this right, use it as a responsibility of protection towards children and try to reach the needs of the needs who are not able to come to you. Children are the form of God, children are the future of the country and if we have to make the future of the country gold according to the vision of Prime Minister Modi, then the present of today’s children and youth will have to be groomed, and I am happy that today not only the present of children is being strengthened under the leadership of Chief Minister Dr. Yadav, but they are being provided safe environment so that their personality is being provided so that their personality is maximum development.
Madhya Pradesh Child Rights Protection Commission Chairman Ravindra More said that the powers of administrative officers, social workers and child welfare committee workers at the district level may be less, but they are equally dedicated to child welfare and are discharging their obligations with full sensitivity to children. Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar had made a provision in the Constitution that the state governments should get the right to make rules for the welfare of children. This is a detection of their foresight. The Madhya Pradesh government has worried about the education of children. More than Chief Minister Dr. Yadav gave suggestions to implement the right to education to 12th standard and thanked him for his participation in the workshop.