The Meteorological Department has given a worry news for MP farmers, wheat grain will remain thin due to premature crop ripening

The biggest customer of the weather is the farmer. When the weather is in pleasure, the mind of the farmers becomes cheerful. The direct effect of deteriorating weather patterns is also on the farmer first. The Meteorological Department has warned of heat -like situation in March itself.

It is feared that if there is so much heat in March itself, the wheat crop may suffer a big loss. This will reduce the production of wheat by 15 to 20 percent.

Crop harvesting will start now

The period of harvesting of rabi crops in the district will start in the month of March. Under this, harvesting of crops will start from 10 to 15 March, which will run till April 15. However, harvesting of early crops is expected to begin by the end of this month. If the grain of wheat is small, there is a problem in purchasing at the support price. Last year too, tenants had to face this problem.

Difference will be made in production, crop will be cooked quickly
Due to the increase in temperature, wheat and barley crops will make a difference. The grain will become, but will cook quickly. This may reduce production by 5-7 percent. Apart from this, there will be no difference in other crops.

Water can revive the expectations of good yield

Kamata Patidar, a resident of village Salaiya in Bhopal, said that he has sown wheat in 50 acres of land in village Dulai in Vidisha district. Bowni could be done in January due to paddy crop. Right now the green crop of wheat is standing in the field. Now there is a possibility of quick ripening of the crop after seeing the increasing sunshine.

Mishrilal Rajput, a farmer of Khajurikala, said that this time due to the cold cold in January, a good wheat was expected to yield, but during the green crop, the wealth of sunlight seems to be wandering on the wishes.

Farmers of Madhya Pradesh have planted crops in an area of ​​138.25 lakh hectares in the Rabi season of 2024-25. The largest part of this is wheat. In normal weather, government agencies have estimated 8 million tonnes of wheat production this year.

Complete development of donations cannot be done

The rising temperature stops the growth of wheat. The length of the crop is short and it cooks quickly. After the earrings in wheat, there is some time to fill the grain. Due to the change of weather, strong wind blows and the temperature increases, then the floral action becomes quick. Wheat earrings do not fill the rash. The grains do not get strengthened, because due to the rapid increase in temperature, the grains are not fully developed and the rash matures before time. The grain weakens. This affects both the quality and yield of wheat.

Do these things in wheat crop

To protect wheat and barley crops from rising temperature effects, selynic acid should be sprayed 15 grams per 100 liters at the stage of grain filler and grain construction. The first spraying of selyceic acid will be beneficial when the bones are released and the second spraying on the milky state. Celicic acid gives wheat the power to fight in adverse conditions and helps in ripening premature time. This does not decline in yield. According to the need in wheat and barley crops, light irrigation should be done again and again. Apart from this, 0.2 percent of the murat of potash or 0.2 percent potassium nitrate can be sprayed twice at an interval of 15 days.

Measures to avoid loss of temperature

Sprinkling 10 grams per 100 liters of water of ascorbic acid in wheat and barley crops, there will be no damage even if there is more temperature. Spraying of potassium nitrate 13: 0: 45, chicated manganese is also beneficial in the late sown crop of wheat. Due to changes in the environment, the outbreak of scorching disease is visible in the wheat crop, so for its control, farmers should spray a mixture of water per liter of water per liter of water twice at intervals of 10 to 12 days.

The yield will be affected by the dilution of the grain

In the last few years in Madhya Pradesh, the trend of farmers has increased towards paddy cultivation. Due to the harvesting of paddy till December, the sowing of wheat is also delayed. Because of this, the wheat crop is still green. This is the time to mature the grain. The crop will start ripening quickly due to the temperature rising. This will make the grain of wheat thin. Due to this, the production of wheat is also expected to decline by 15 to 20 percent. – Dr. GS Skills, Former Director, Department of Agriculture, Bhopal

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