10 tonnes of union carbide burnt by burning in 75 hours, now another trial will start

At an waste settlement plant in Pithampur Industrial Area of ​​Madhya Pradesh, about 75 hours of consumed of 10 tons of waste of 337 tonnes of waste of Bhopal’s union carbide factory ended on Monday and during this period the emission of particulate matter (PM), carbon and separate gases remained within the standard range. The officers provided this information.

Officials said the test of the first round of waste disposal of the factory responsible for the 1984 Bhopal gas tragedy was carried out at the waste settlement plant of a private company on the order of the Madhya Pradesh High Court.

Tight security arrangements were made in Pithampur Industrial Area amidst the commencement of the process of disposal of this waste.

Indore division commissioner Deepak Singh told reporters, “We started the process of burning 10 tonnes of waste of union carbide factory as a test on Friday (February 28), which ended on Monday (February 28).”

He said that the team of the Pollution Control Board of the Center and the state completely monitored the test and during this period, the air quality of Pithampur and Indore, about 30 km from it, remained “normal”.

Singh said that preparations are being made for the second round test at the waste settlement plant of Pithampur and in this phase also 10 tonnes of waste of Union Carbide factory will be consumed.

According to a release issued by the State Pollution Control Board, during the disposal of waste, this plant found the emission of Particulate Matter (PM), Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxide, Carbon Mono Oxide, Hydrogen Chloride, hydrogen fluoride and total organic carbon within the standard range.

According to the release, these emissions during the first round test are being analyzed and the second round test is proposed to be started from March 4 (Tuesday).

The second phase trial will start as soon as the report arrives
At the same time, the trial of the second phase will start from today i.e. March 4. Srinivas Dwivedi said that in the first phase the waste was burnt at the rate of 135 kg per hour. Now in the second phase, the burning rate of garbage will be increased to 180 kg per hour. During this, he also told that, the first phase report will come today, after which it will be decided when the waste will be burnt today. Based on the report, preparations will be started to burn the second phase of waste.

Execution from Standard Operating Procedure

At the same time, Dhar Collector Priyank Mishra said that “Garbage is being burnt on the directions of the High Court in Pithampur. For this, the Standard Operating Procedure has been prepared by the Pollution Control Board. Accordingly, waste is to be executed. He told that after unloading waste and preparing in different packets, now the process of burning garbage is starting.

10 tonnes of garbage will burn in 72 hours

During this process, about 10 tonnes of garbage will be burnt for 72 hours continuously. Whose live monitoring has been arranged. Collector Priyank Mishra said that the employees whose duty is inside the plant. He is also working following all the protocols of safety from pollution. People across the city have been given the facility of live monitoring of waste by taking them into confidence. He said that there is no opposition in Pithampur during the burning of garbage. ”

10 tonnes of garbage will be burnt in Ramki Enviiro

Actually, union is the result of delivering real information to people about carbide waste. He said that apart from those who were protesting. He too made his argument before the court, although the court has now ordered the execution of waste, so the garbage is being lit by following the entire security system and all the protocols.

Garbage will burn at a temperature of 900 ° C

After unloading the waste of union carbide in the campus, the process of mixing and burning is being done under the supervision of the Central Pollution Control Board. The garbage was separated from the first container. Then waste is being burnt at a temperature of 900 ° C in the plant incinerator. It is being told that the garbage of Union Carbide also contains the mud of soil gathered from Union Carbide, including Nabpatol Semi Pesticides 47. Other materials inside the plant in Union Carbide are also included in the garbage, which is being lit by lime in the incinerator.

9-9 kg packets

10 tonnes of waste will be burnt in 72 hours i.e. 3 days. For which 9-9 kg packets have been made first. Every packet has 4 and a half kg of waste and the same amount of lime. So that chemical effects can be neutralized. The incinerator was started from Thursday night to burn garbage. Which is necessary to keep it on to keep it warm to 900 ° C. On Friday morning, this temperature reached 850-900 degrees. Then the garbage packet was started in it. The pollution control board officials are keeping an eye on the smoke or gas or element that will come out on the burning of garbage.

The release reported that the State Pollution Control Board Union Carbide’s waste was measured at five places around Pithampur’s waste settlement plant, including three villages.

Regional officer of the State Pollution Control Board Srinivas Dwivedi told ‘PTI-Bhasha’ that the first test of burning of union carbide was about 75 hours and during this time 135 kg of garbage was dumped every hour in the plant’s consumer.

He informed that 180 kg of waste will be dumped every hour during the second round of testing.

Dwivedi said that the first round of tests were carried out by around 60 officers and employees, including about 20 people of the Center and the State Pollution Control Board monitored the process.

He said, “The employees involved in the test were replaced every eight hours.”

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