M.P. Power Janenting Company Best Supporting Award honored


Madhya Pradesh Power Generating Company was awarded the Best Supporting Industry Award for Madhya Pradesh Power Generating Company for doing best work in 87 government departments and companies involved in the Chief Minister’s Sikho Kamao Yojana and National Appritis Promotion Scheme throughout Madhya Pradesh. On behalf of the Power Generating Company, this award was received by Superintendent Engineer Training Dr. Ashok Tiwari, Deputy General Manager Human Resources Khushboo Sharma and Personnel Officer Vartika Gurbani.

The power generating company was received by the most trainees in the power generating company in schemes like Mukhyamantri Sikho-Kamao Yojana, National Appritis Scheme, ITI Trade Trainees and Engineering Bachelor Training.

Excellent implementation of the scheme

The power generating company has excellently implemented the scheme. All the trainees and apprentices were recorded in the portal at the scheduled time. At the same time, the power generating company deposited 25 percent of the stipend amount to be paid to all the trainees and apprentices in the portal. The power generating company did not delay a single day in depositing the presence of trainees and depositing the stipend amount.

Implementation of many skill development schemes at the government level

Many skill development schemes are being conducted efficiently by the power generating company at the government level. Under this, the power generating company has received awards at the state level.

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