Recently, some people using Yahoo mail have been hacked by username and passwords. This is the second incident of burglary in Yahoo’s e-mail service in the last two months. The news of someone hacking someone’s mail account is not new. In such a situation, it is important for everyone to know how to keep your email account safe. Google’s Gmail is most commonly used for email in the world. Gmail has more than 500 million users in the world who email 100 billion daily.
If you also use Gmail, then you should know how to keep it safe. Measures for the safety of the account are different, but how will you know that someone else has hacked your account. Let us tell you an easy way that you will know that your account is not using any other account. Google has given some tools in Gmail with the help of which you can lock your account. This will tell you at what time, which browser and which IP address you have opened the Gmail account. In this way you can keep your account safe.
-First, open your Gmail account, scroll down and at the bottom will appear an icon of offco details.
-If you click on the details, a pop up window will open on which ‘Activity Iffiration’ will appear. In this, you will be told that your account has been used from which location, what time and how long it has been used. Also, the browser and the address will also be seen. You can see by mixing with your office and home IP that your account was not used from elsewhere.
-In the Activity Ephoramation window you will find another option that will be written that ‘Sain Out All Other Sessions’ (if your Gmail is even open anywhere else, log out it). By using it, you will be logged out immediately from all the devices.
In this way you will know that your account is also using someone else. If this is the case, change your password immediately.