Collector Bhopal issued restrictive orders under section 163 of the Indian Civil Defense Code.


Collector Kaushalendra Vikram Singh, using the powers given in Section 163 under the Indian Civil Defense Code 2023, has taken action against the uncontrolled use of sound devices (loudspeakers/DJ/address systems) in all the religious places/industrial/commercial/residential and silent areas of Bhopal district. Prohibitory orders have been issued to control/take action against illegal use.

1. According to the order issued, except in case of public emergency, all types of loudspeakers and loud music cannot be used in the entire district between 10:00 pm to 6:00 am.

2. It will be mandatory for all DJ operators/hotels/restaurants/bars to obtain license for operating DJ units as per the rules and only one sound system (whose sound is as per prescribed standards or less) can be used on any DJ unit. Will be able to.

3. Sound amplifiers can be used from 6.00 am to 10.00 pm with the permission of Additional District Magistrate/Deputy Commissioner of Police, but this permission will not be for more than 02 hours. Use of sound amplifying devices will be allowed only in the event premises. In the permission given for the use of sound amplifier, the Ambient Air Quality Standards set by the Government of India should be clearly mentioned in respect of Noise.

4. It will be mandatory to follow the guidelines of the Honorable Supreme Court, Honorable High Court and Honorable National Green Tribunal (NGT), Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 and the provisions of Madhya Pradesh Noise Control Act 1985.

6. If any person violates these provisions, then action should be taken to impose penalty and confiscate under Section 15 and 16 of Madhya Pradesh Noise Control Act 1985.

This order will be effective with immediate effect. Action will be taken against the person violating this order under the Indian Civil Defense Code 2023.

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