Chief Secretary Shri Anurag Jain inspected the venue of the Global Investors Summit to be held in the month of February at Indira Gandhi Manav Sangrahalaya and took stock of all the arrangements and gave necessary guidelines. Chief Secretary Shri Jain gave instructions after receiving information regarding the arrival of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi who is coming to inaugurate the Global Investors Summit and the arrangements being made for his program. He said that during the arrival of the Prime Minister, security arrangements should be tight and protocol should be ensured. Also instructions were given to make a comprehensive plan for traffic management at the venue. He also directed to make systematic planning to ensure smooth transportation of invited VIPs and delegates to the venue.
The Chief Secretary directed to pay special attention to the arrangements for various sessions in the Global Investors Summit, the facilities being prepared at the venue, appropriate facilities for different sectors and guests.
Instructions were given to make all possible arrangements to welcome the investors and delegates coming from India and abroad in the summit and to make proper arrangements for them and to ensure that the international delegates and investors have a positive experience during the event. The Chief Secretary said that all preparations related to the program and the venue should be completed within the time limit.
During this, DGP Shri Kailash Makwana, Additional Chief Secretary Chief Minister’s Office Dr. Rajesh Rajoura, Principal Secretary Urban Development and Housing Shri Sanjay Shukla, Principal Secretary Industrial Policy and Investment Promotion Shri Raghavendra Singh, MD Madhya Pradesh. Industrial Development Corporation Shri Chandramouli Shukla, Commissioner Public Relations Dr. Sudam Khade, Commissioner Bhopal Division Shri Sanjeev Singh, Police Commissioner Shri Harinarayanchari Mishra, Collector Shri Kaushalendra Vikram Singh and other senior officers were present.