Under the guidance of Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai, paddy is being procured easily from the farmers of the state. The paddy procurement system is being continuously monitored by senior officials. The process of paddy procurement, which started from 14 November 2024 in the state, will continue till 31 January.
So far, about 93.44 lakh metric tonnes of paddy has been purchased in the state, in return for which Rs 21 thousand 040 crore has been paid to 18.69 lakh farmers under the bank linking system. This campaign of paddy procurement will continue till 31 January.
The facility of token for sale of paddy in the Kharif marketing year 2024-25 has been made available to all the registered farmers of the state in the online app ‘Token Tunhar Hath’ and procurement centers till January 25, 2025. Farmers can choose the date as per their convenience and sell paddy as per the rules.
Along with the purchase of paddy, the lifting of paddy by millers is also going on at a rapid pace. DO and TO have been issued for about 62.72 lakh metric tonnes of paddy, against which 36.38 lakh metric tonnes of paddy has been lifted so far.
Food department officials said that 27.78 lakh farmers have been registered for this Kharif year. This includes 1.59 lakh new farmers. This year, it is estimated that 160 lakh metric tonnes of paddy will be purchased through 2739 procurement centres.
Food Department officials said that on January 2, 2025, 2.90 lakh metric tons of paddy has been purchased from 62494 farmers. For this, 81 thousand 926 tokens were issued. 83 thousand 303 tokens have been issued for the coming day.