New business year will start in Indore bullion from Saturday and wholesale market from Monday.

New business year will start in Indore bullion from Saturday and wholesale market from Monday.

Diwali holidays are coming to an end with new business starting in the bullion and wholesale vegetable markets from Saturday itself. The new business year will also begin with much fanfare as per tradition. In every market, deals for new crops and new goods will be done at auspicious time.

After the record-breaking sales of crowded places in the past few days, the markets and roads of the city looked calm on Friday. With Diwali, the business year has come to an end in the major markets of the city. The new business year will start in the major wholesale markets and mandis of the city from Monday.

Some traditions also continue in the new business year. Business starts after seeing the auspicious time and auspicious time. Some special traditions are followed before the first business of the first day.

In the mandis and markets, only new crops, newly imported dry fruits and new lots produced from factories are traded.

In the grocery market, business will start before the deals on new crop dry fruits and spices along with some special items like turmeric, jaggery, coriander, betel nut. During this time, fireworks and drums will also be played.

bullion market

After Mahalaxmi puja, the auspicious time to write the new year will be from 7.30 to 9 pm on 2nd November. Later a meeting of the Bullion Traders Association will be organized. Trading will start in the market after noon.

grain market

The new year of business will start on Monday morning in Sanyogitaganj (Cantonment) grain market and Lakshmibai grain market. Muhurta deals will be held in Lakshmibai grain market on November 4 at 8.11 am. Muhurta deals will take place in Chhawni Mandi at 10.21 am. Before this, Annakoot will be organized with Mahalakshmi worship and 56 bhog at 10.01 minutes. Diwali auspicious time will start from 8 am in Kisan Mandi and deals will start.

grocery market

Diwali Muhurat deals will be held at The Siyaganj Wholesale Grocery Merchant Association on November 4 at 1.00 pm. After Lakshmi Puja, a new batch of new dry fruits and special spices will be sold. Traders’ meeting will also be organized in the market.


wholesale vegetable market

New Year’s auspicious time will be held in the green vegetable market from Saturday morning. Auspicious deals will take place in the potato-onion market from Monday 4th November. New Year work will start in the market from 9.41 am.


readymade garments

In the wholesale readymade garment market, deals for new garments made from factories will begin in the auspicious time. The first deals will be made from 9am to 10.30am on Monday 4 November.
