Paris Olympics 2024: In a devastating turn of events, Indian wrestler Vinesh Phogat has been disqualified from the Women’s Wrestling 50kg category at the Paris Olympics. Despite a valiant effort, Phogat, a strong contender for gold, was found to be 100 grams over the weight limit. The Indian contingent was stunned by her disqualification ahead of her final bout against USA’s Sarah Ann Hildebrandt on August 7, 2024. Phogat, who had previously defeated World and Olympic 50kg champion Yui Susaki, was expected to secure a medal.”
The Indian Olympic Association confirmed Phogat’s disqualification from the Women’s Wrestling 50kg class due to exceeding the weight limit by a small margin. They issued a statement expressing regret and requesting privacy for Phogat. The statement read: “It is with regret that the Indian contingent announces the disqualification of Vinesh Phogat from the Women’s Wrestling 50kg class. Despite the team’s efforts overnight, she was found to be slightly over the 50kg limit this morning. No further comments will be made at this time, and we request respect for Vinesh’s privacy as we focus on ongoing competitions.”
Olympic Medal Winner Vijender Singh FuriousÂ
The news disappointed many fans, including former boxer Vijender Singh, who expressed disbelief and suggested a possible conspiracy against Indian wrestlers. “This is a huge conspiracy against our wrestlers. She should have been given more time to drop the 100 grams. We have never seen this happen to any athlete before,” Singh remarked.
Vinesh Phogat’s Disqualification
Vinesh Phogat’s journey to the final was nothing short of extraordinary. The wrestler, who had previously competed in the 53kg category, successfully transitioned to the 50kg weight class, showcasing her exceptional skill and determination. Her path to the final saw her overcoming formidable opponents, including a stunning victory over the world number 1, Yui Susaki of Japan, and impressive wins against competitors from Ukraine and Cuba.
However, the excitement turned to despair on the morning of her final match. Phogat, despite her rigorous efforts to meet the weight requirement, was found to be slightly overweight. The rules of the competition are strict, requiring wrestlers to be within their weight category on both days of the competition. Phogat had made the weight for her bouts on Tuesday but struggled to meet the limit on the following day.