Vehicles older more than 15 years old vehicles will not run in MP in MP

In the budget, it has been made mandatory to scrap all types of vehicles who have completed 15 years of age. In view of environmental protection, vehicles can be scored under registered vehicle scraping facility (RVSF). If a government and private vehicle scraps, then he will be given tax exemption on purchasing a new vehicle.

Transport expert Shyamsunder Sharma says that this will reduce the number of ways growing across the state including Bhopal. The traffic system will be fine.
Also, such vehicles of petrol and diesel, which are 15 years old, will be able to protect the environment due to scrap. There are many vehicles that spread air pollution, leaving smoke.
This causes the surrounding environment impure, but the condition of vehicles should also be seen in it. If the vehicle is teak, it should be excluded from the scap.
There are many people who are intimately connected to vehicles and PUC and fitness of their vehicles are fine.
The best thing in the budget is that by scrapping old vehicles and purchasing a new vehicle, you will get a motor vehicle.
Tax exemption of up to 15 percent in transport vehicles and up to 25 percent in non -transport vehicles has been provided.

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