There was an uproar during the election of the District Panchayat President-Vice-President. The only thing was that the back door was allowed to open the back door for the Zilla Panchayat assembly room. On this, the Congressmen created a ruckus, protesting.
Let us know that there was a contest of the thorn between the Congress and the BJP candidates for the District Panchayat President-Vidhiya. There was a struggle for one vote each to get a chair. Finally, Rajesh Suryavanshi of BJP defeated Congress -backed Satkali Bavre by one vote and held the post of president. Out of 17 members of the Zilla Panchayat, BJP had 9 members and 8 members with Congress and Independents. The vote was also done according to this number.
Like the post of president, there was a contest in the post of vice president. Lalita Kashyap of BJP became the vice -president by defeating Trilok Srivas of Congress by just one vote. Lalita Kashyap got 9 votes, while Smriti Srivas got only 8 members support.