MP Police Jobs: Recruitment of 8500 policemen, proposal to be approved soon

8500 policemen are going to be recruited soon in Madhya Pradesh. Information about vacant posts was sent to the Home Department, after which now the way of police recruitment has been cleared. This recruitment will not only increase the police force with the government, but the public will also be more safe than before. At the same time, this news is also useful for those who want to work in the police.

The recruitment process of 7500 policemen has been completed 2 months ago. After this, now 8500 posts will be recruited once again. Perhaps the first time in the history of the state will be when 15500 policemen will be selected within a single year and law and order will be improved.

Explain that 7500 soldiers, 500 sub -inspectors and 500 office staff posts have been included in this recruitment of 8500 policemen. After 8 years, the posts of Sub Inspector are going to be recruited in the state. The Home Department of Madhya Pradesh himself sees Chief Minister Mohan Yadav. In such a situation, the decision of police recruitment is being said to be beneficial for the youth and unemployed.

DGP Makwana gave information

In Madhya Pradesh’s DGP Kailash Makwana, the process of police recruitment to 8500 posts has been started soon through social media. Please tell that even before this, when Makwana took over as DGP. Then he saw that only one lakh police force in the state is one lakh and 25000 posts are lying vacant.

The number of policemen retired every year is 500 to 700, which is decreasing in force. He informed the Home Department about this. The Chief Minister immediately accepted this proposal. The recruitment process of 7500 policemen has also been completed and its results are yet to come. At the same time, the recruitment process of 8500 policemen will start soon.

Indian rules amended

Explain that the rules of recruitment of the post of Sub Inspector have been amended by the Home Department. Now these rules have also included the post of Sub Inspector Radio and Photo Fingerprint. Apart from this, now candidates up to 38 years can take the post of sub -inspector post, while till now this age was kept 36 years. With the amendment in the rules, more youth will be able to become part of recruitment.

Sub Inspector Recruitment Not done For 8 years

The recruitment of Sub Inspector and Subedar post in Madhya Pradesh Police has not been recruited for the last 8 years. At present, there are 1200 posts which are vacant. After amending the recruitment rules, now 500 posts of Sub Inspector will be recruited. Apart from this, there will also be recruitment to the post of Steno and ASI.

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