A cabinet meeting was held at the Ministry Mahanadi Bhavan today under the chairmanship of Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai, in which many important decisions were taken. Deputy Chief Minister Arun Saw said, the format of the Chhattisgarh Appropriation Bill was approved in the cabinet meeting. It was decided to expand in Chhattisgarh State Store Purchase Rule 4. Registered seed production will be purchased from farmers. The organization producing between the Center and the state will be done by the selected institutions of the institutions of the agencies.
Saw said, the Governor’s address was approved in the fifth session of the Shashtham Assembly of Chhattisgarh. Permission of 3300 crores was approved to pay the balance of paddy for farmers. The amendment bill was approved to determine stamp rates. Apart from this, it was decided to provide the post of Principal Chief Conservator to Additional Chief Forest Officers of 94 batch from 1992.
These decisions taken in cabinet meeting
In the meeting of the Council of Ministers, the third supplementary estimate of the financial year 2024-2025 was approved for the format of the Chhattisgarh Appropriation Bill-2025 for presenting in the Assembly. The Council of Ministers approved the format of the Chhattisgarh Appropriation Bill-2025 for presenting the budget estimate year 2025-2026 in the Assembly.
In order to ensure the availability of new advanced varieties and quality seeds to the farmers of the state, it was decided to expand the list of exemption in Rule 4 of Chhattisgarh State Stor Purchase Rules-2002. Under this, the first seed will be earned by the seeds of seeds of the state from the registration of the seeds of the state. After this, to meet the requirement, seed producing cooperative societies of the state, government and state government seed production undertakings, NAFED, M.P. The committees of the Seed Federation, the Government of India will be selected as the Imnabled Central Nodal Seed Agency in various schemes from the institution or agency to present the minimum price from the offer letter issued by the Seed Corporation.
The format of Chhattisgarh Democracy Fighter Honor Bill-2025 was approved.
The Council of Ministers approved the Governor’s address for February-March 2025, the fifth session of the Shashtham Legislative Assembly of Chhattisgarh.
Permission of 3300 crore was approved to the Chhattisgarh State Marketing Association for paying the balance of paddy acquired from farmers on support price for Kharif marketing year 2024-25.
The format of the Stamp Act-1899 (Chhattisgarh Amendment) Bill-2025 was approved to determine the rates of stamp duty on bank guarantee related deeds.
Council of Ministers, who has completed 30 years of qualifying service of Indian Forest Service of Chhattisgarh cadre, from 1992 to 1994 batch Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests to the post of Chief Conservator It was decided to create necessary posts to supply the equivalent scale of the Conservator of Forests.