You can apply for new electricity connection through MP online also: Energy Minister
The facility will start available from the last week of January
Energy Minister Pradyuman Singh Tomar has said that the Central Region Electricity Distribution Company has given a gift in the new year to the electricity consumers of 16 districts of the company’s jurisdiction that they can now avail M.P. You will be able to get a new electricity connection by applying online also. For this, Central Region Electricity Distribution Company has signed a contract with M.P.Online. Electricity consumers will start getting this facility from the last week of January.
The contract was signed at the company headquarters by Chief General Manager (Commercial) Smt. Swati Singh and MP Online Business Head Sandeep Rajpal in the presence of Central Region Electricity Distribution Company’s Managing Director Kshitij Singhal and Director (Commercial) Sudhir Kumar Srivastava.
According to this, now on applying through MP online, along with getting a new electricity connection, EKYC of non-agricultural consumers, verification of PM-CM Kisan Samman Nidhi beneficiary and load increase in the already existing connection, name change etc. Facilities will also be available through this.